
We have published a number of stories from Antipoverty Centre surveys, the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union review app, news media and other sources on this site and will be adding to these over time to create an archive of material demonstrating the harms caused by “mutual” obligations and employment services providers.

  • Australian government makes life hell for poor people

    4 July 2022, Vice Australia, John Buckley. Access the full article here. A new employment services platform is suggesting some job seekers apply for jobs out of state, for those who can access the service at all Countless Australian job seekers could find themselves facing…


  • Crossbench concerned about treatment of poor people

    7 July 2022, Vice Australia, John Buckley. Access the full article here. We can’t forget the distress caused by Robodebt. Members of the crossbench in both the Senate and Lower House have grown restless over the government’s treatment of job seekers this week, after countless…


  • Government storing sensitive data without consent

    25 July 2022, Vice Australia, John Buckley. Access the full article here. Ensnared in controversy since launch, Workforce Australia continues to be a source of fear and distress for jobseekers around the country Over the last fortnight, several jobseekers have tried to contact support staff…


Employment services survey

The Punishment for Profit report is based on hundreds of responses to surveys conducted by the Antipoverty Centre. This research is ongoing. If you are in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services or a similar program, we welcome any information you are able to share about your experiences.

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