Provider profile
APM Employment Services
Alias: Serendipity (WA) Pty Ltd
A for-profit employment services provider, APM is politically connected, with a high profile board, and was richly rewarded with Workforce Australia contracts.
A number of our survey and workshop participants reported instances of abuse and mistreatment when dealing with APM. In our experience, they are one of the providers we have to support people with the most.
In Australia the majority of APM’s $645 million 2022 revenue came from public funds via government human services contracts.1APM FY22 annual report, p9, p48, p49, p50, p67, p68, p70,
Fast facts
1.93 out of 5 | Score from ratings submitted to the AUWU app by people in employment services. |
$701,838 | Political donations since 2011. The Coalition received $334,433 and Labor $385,315.2AEC Transparency Register, |
$787 million | Value of published employment services contracts.3Published contract values from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (source: and the Department of Social Services (source: Workforce Australia: $334.9 million; Employability Skills Training: $66.9 million; Self Employment Assistance: $ 58.9 million; Disability Employment Services: $264 million; ParentsNextA "pre employment" program targeting single parents with children under the age ...: $6.9 million; Transition to WorkThe targeted employment services program for people under 25. Visit the DEWR web...: $50 million; Career Transition Assistance: $5.5 million; Total: $787 million. |
$644.9 million | FY22 revenue in Australia. Global revenue was $1.33 billion. $940 million was from employment services.4APM FY22 annual report, p49 and p47, |
$4.53 million | FY22 remuneration of CEO Michael Anghie. APM founder Megan Wynne received a salary of $750,000 and performance bonus of $487,500.5APM FY22 annual report, p88, |
Emails revealed under freedom of information show APM aggressively lobbied government for financial support to employment services ahead of 2020 COVID lockdowns.6Department of Social Services Freedom of Information Request 2021-M001, Employment minister Michaelia Cash handed over an extra $500 million to the industry in the first year of the pandemic.7Rick Morton, 29 August 2020, ‘Exclusive: Jobactive virus kickbacks top $500 million’, The Saturday Paper.
Revenue from public funds
via government contracts
in Australia
APM is now by far the largest employment services provider, having been awarded 17.8% of 129 licenses.
Its current employment services contracts are worth nearly $800 million and it’s one of only two providers whose contracts span eight of 11 employment services programs.
APM has now wrung more than $1 billion out of the poverty industry just through employment services contracts alone since it first began operating in the sector 8 years ago.
“Across our business we have continued to pursue new opportunities and win market share [since listing on the ASX in November 2021], including … nine strategic investments that provide critical entry points into the NDIS market.”
The latest harrowing story to appear in the media involved a caseworker accessing information about TJ Davis’s history and weaponising a recent suicide attempt to threaten and intimidate them when they sought help with reporting requirements.
96% of people who listed APM as their provider in a recent Antipoverty Centre survey said they were unable to access support through their job agency that helped to improve their physical or mental health, and 92% said “mutual” obligations made their health worse.
Unsurprisingly, only one person with APM who responded to the survey had found a job with the help of their job agency.
“[I got] less than zero assistance, bullshit courses, scheduling appointments during work hours, HARRASSING ME for payslips and breaching me when I didn’t provide them.”
Reports from welfare recipients
Survey results
The Antipoverty Centre conducted a survey of people in employment services in 2022. Of 305 respondents who answered questions about their job agency, 35 (11.5%) had been with APM. Contributions were received from people on the APM caseload in regional areas across all five states. Hobart was the only state capital city not represented in the results.
3% said “mutual” obligations are useful overall.
Of those who had paid work, study commitments or caring duties at the same time as being required to do ‘mutual’ obligations, none said their job agency was understanding about the need to fulfil these responsibilities. 35% said they were sometimes understanding.
26% said they experienced discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, disability or religion from someone at their provider or “mutual obligationsParticipation requirements welfare recipients must fulfil each month to continue...” activity host organisation.
got them a job
was tailored
Below you can read a selection of survey responses, reviews, news articles and social media comments about APM.
Staff review: Bullying environment and very stressful
Dangerous to me, but also not applicable
APM review, anonymous, 7 July 2023
My study and work didn’t count
Staff review: Treat staff like trash
Only interested in keeping me on their books
Department folds, gives job agencies millions in contracts for bullshit courses
27 July 2022, Guardian Australia, Luke Henriques-Gomes. Access the full article here. Department of employment intended to ban practice before… READ
Pushed to do jobs I had been injured doing
“Mutual” obligations are extremely stressful. READ
Only interested in keeping me on their books
It’s almost like the system is designed to keep people on or just above poverty line. READ
My study and work didn’t count
Providers are either in thrall to compliance or just go through the motions. READ
It’s humiliating and degrading
They are truly just awful. They aren’t interested in getting you a job at all. READ
Nobody wants to hire a person who uses a cane
I wasn’t able to think because of COVID booster side effects. I told the assessor and still had to go… READ
For the first time in my life I feared for my mental health
We are not recalcitrant children to be bullied into submission. READ
Journey to market dominance
APM established as vocational rehabilitation provider
Keating government begins privatisation of employment services
Howard government completes privatisation of employment services
APM Enters employment services market
First Disability Employment Services contract
Expands into related government programs targeting unemployed people
Acquisition spree
DES contract extended
Awarded the most contracts of any WfA provider
Workforce Australia inquiry countdown
The inquiry reports in September 2023. Read submissions and hearing transcripts on the inquiry website 👇
Employment services survey
The Punishment for Profit report is based on hundreds of responses to surveys conducted by the Antipoverty Centre. This research is ongoing. If you are in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services or a similar program, we welcome any information you are able to share about your experiences.