Salvos review, anonymous, 14 June 2023
I have missed out on opportunities to do work that I would have enjoyed.
I have missed out on opportunities to do work that I would have enjoyed.
She was trying to push me into training (their courses) in industries I am not physically capable of working in.
No privacy to discuss sensitive personal information.
They don’t have a stretch of compassion, empathy or common respect.
The manager was hostile to me.
APM signed me up for motivational and physiological monitoring.
A Tasmanian jobseeker says he was told to ride a bike 5 hours away to complete Work for the Dole.
Business focus on KPI’s to get people jobs that they can’t even do.
I asked if she was making a joke about my suicide attempt, which is in my file notes. She responded that she was.
They keep people unemployed to continue their contract with government.