6 July 2022, Innovation Australia, Denham Sadler. Access the full article here.
‘Confluence of disasters’: Workforce Australia launch plagued by tech issues
The Department of Employment this week launched Workforce Australia, a new employment service replacing jobactive. This involves an online service, smartphone app and a network of job providers.
Through these services, job seekers can search and apply for jobs, access the homepage, set up job alerts, manage appointments and tasks and view provider’s contact details.
The new points-based activation system was also used, which will be used by all individuals who have mutual obligationParticipation requirements welfare recipients must fulfil each month to continue... requirements. These people will have to earn a certain amount of points by completing activities such as applying for a job, in order to receive their payment.
The new system has led to concerns of a repeat of the robodebt scandal, with an increased use of automation in important government decision making.
The new website and app launched on Sunday, with the system crashing due to the number of people trying to access it, leading to welfare recipients being unable to access its services.
Employment services survey
The Punishment for Profit report is based on hundreds of responses to surveys conducted by the Antipoverty Centre. This research is ongoing. If you are in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services or a similar program, we welcome any information you are able to share about your experiences.