28 May 2021, Guardian Australia, Luke Henriques-Gomes. Access the full article here.

Both privatised job providers and employers are unsatisfied with the regime, a draft report says

Privatised job agencies concluded welfare mutual obligations did not “improve the likelihood of employment” for jobseekers in unreleased evidence to a government-commissioned review of the Disability Employment Services (Des) program.

Guardian Australia on Thursday revealed a report by Boston Consulting Group had found recent reforms to the $1bn a year scheme had delivered a windfall to privatised job agencies but not improved outcomes for the unemployed.

The report shows employment consultants offered a scathing assessment of the mutual obligations system, which sees those on benefits required to meet job search requirements.

… providers also expressed considerable negativity towards the mutual obligations system overall … considering that it does not on balance, improve the likelihood of employment.

– Boston Consulting Group report

Employment services survey

The Punishment for Profit report is based on hundreds of responses to surveys conducted by the Antipoverty Centre. This research is ongoing. If you are in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services or a similar program, we welcome any information you are able to share about your experiences.

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