16 June 2022, Guardian Australia, Luke Henriques-Gomes. Access the full article here.

Survey of unemployed people suggests ‘harm was actually being designed into the system’, academic says

The employment minister, Tony Burke, has been urged to pause a new “points-based” mutual obligations system as a new survey finds many jobseekers are fearful it will make their lives tougher.

Guardian Australia reported last week that under the “points-based activation system” (PBAS) jobseekers will be required to acquire 100 “points” through job search or other activities including study, training, hours of employment or work for the dole.

The system, which starts 1 July, replaces the rigid 20 job applications a month requirement that frustrated jobseekers and employers for many years.

In terms of the wellbeing or individual harm, people felt it was not going to do them any good… What was of serious concern was suicide was explicitly mentioned in nine responses.

– David O’Halloran, AUWU Volunteer

Employment services survey

The Punishment for Profit report is based on hundreds of responses to surveys conducted by the Antipoverty Centre. This research is ongoing. If you are in Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services or a similar program, we welcome any information you are able to share about your experiences.

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